GET A GREEN CARD - live & work in the USA
  • Now is your chance to live the American dream through the green card lottery program.
  • Each year the United States Federal government offers 50,000 permanent resident visas to individuals applying for the program known officially as the “Diversity Lottery Program.”
  • Randomly selected winners and their family are granted the right to live and work in America on a permanent basis.
  • The followign countries are acceptable...Nigeria, Pakistan, Morocco, Romania, Iran, South Africa, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Peru, Turkey, Italy, Venezuela, Brazil, Canada, United States, Sweden, Chile Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Korea, Republic of Poland, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Taiwan, Argentina Puerto Rico, Japan, new zealand, Indonesia, Ghana, Luxembourg, Trinidad and Tobago, Bahamas, Kyegyzstan Hong Kong, Bangladesh
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